My niece is a brat that does whatever she pleases?

K'so i'm currently living in my cousin's house and he has a 12 year old daughter that always gets her way.
She talks back to her parents, doesn't obey rules (ex: if she is told to get off the computer at a certain time she does get off but when she knows that her parents are already asleep she uses it again). They have a two bedroom apartment and i sleep in the living room and the computer is in the living room so i don't really sleep throughout the night and she knows i have work early in the morning. Her parents talk about this to her and she says ok and a few days later she's doing it again and they don't say anything. She never gets grounded and is about to get a new phone after she lost her iphone a few days later after she got it. So basically she does her parents how she wants. I know that i'm a guest in their house which is why i haven't confronted her or her parents about this but i really can't take it anymore.also, i can't move out because i just came to this city and i haven't gotten a job yet. I'm using her Yahoo answers and i know its wrong but i don't have a yahoo and she leaves her account on so i thought "hey. Why not?".so please answer and tell me what i should do about the situation.

I don't know, but she can see this answer if you don't delete it.

Uh… Why do you think you can do anything about this situation? You're a GUEST in their house. You're not her parents. And her parents don't discipline her so that's why she's like this.

You can't take it anymore? THEN LEAVE! Othewise, keep your mouth SHUT!

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