My screen on my iPhone 4S is craked?

I want to order a new one on Amazon but I was wondering, do I need LCD glass digitizer and the generic replacement front screen glass lens?

It depends on the model and the phone itself. Your best bet would be to ask Apple and they can give you the best information.

Apple made it were the digitizer and the LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display ) are together i would recremend buying it and hooking uit up and thatas it so yea no way top buy just digitizer

Maybe you don't need it. Just the common screen is enough.

You can't separate the glass, digitizer and LCD without them suffering damage. You need to replace the full screen assembly which will run you about $50 for the DIY kit. Apple does not sell their parts in the market and I know from experience that not all replacement screens are made equal.

A good company I recommend is:

They carry the highest quality replacement parts and tools and provide great video tutorials.

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