My senegal parrot bites
So I have a 7 month old Senegal parrot named Ollie. He is mostly a super nice bird! He chats with me and loves kisses and scratches under the chin. He's generally not aggressive. But he has these little temper tantrums now and then where he just bites me really hard on purpose! And when he see's I'm in pain he milks it and bites harder!
It happens on many different occasions and I can't find a pattern! Sometimes he is just grumpy when he comes out of the cage, sometimes he bites when I talk to other people or my dogs, most often its when I don't let him have certain things like my iphone or necklace (he breaks them!), and sometimes he gets himself in weird situations like getting himself stuck or falling and ending up upside down and when I help him he bites me!
Keep in mind this is not all of the time but I'm worried it could end up that way… Any suggestions?
My Senegal Parrot Syd started biting at 3 years of age, I think something triggers it. They also have days when they feel a bit offish, it is also a defensive move. Mine chews everything around, also he gets quite aggressive on the floor. I think sometimes they want to stay in the cage, I think they need there time as well. I started using a wooden spoon with my Senegal parrot, so I could get him to quickly get up on the spoon, or I use a small basket, he steps on to it. If you interrupt something he is enjoying he also gets very annoyed.
- Does the Droid Razr Maxx support SPP Bluetooth Parrot Chipset? I'm looking at getting the Kenwod DNX9990HD Car Stereo/Navigation unit that supports bluetooth features. However it indicates it uses the following, does the Droid Razr Maxx support this?: The 2012 DNX models support Pandora Control for Android and Blackberry phones via SPP Bluetooth Parrot Chipset. The source will be the same as Pandora operation for the iPhone.