My son. Probably has the worst grades in existence?

Hello me and my husband come from sauda arabia and moved to sweden 13 years ago and our son was born here. Now I have no idea why but most foreigners that are children seem to skip classes here in sweden and my son is no expection… Now I just got his grades and well… Take a look at it… Now I have tried several times talking sense into him I have even taken his Iphone from him and stuff but he won't listen. I think he does it because his friends are skipping too and stuff anyone know how I can help him so he can at least get average? My son Probably has the worst grades in existence - 1

Those arent even grades they are just zeros. They can't grade him because he doesent show up. My advice would be to follow him to class and make sure he goes to his classes. If he isn't listening or responding to pubishments that is the only way. Talk to his teachers and the staff at the school.

Do a jihad on his but

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