My Verizon iPhone 4 is sending texts that I didn't actually send?
This has happened twice in the past week now. I'll send my boyfriend a text message, and he'll reply with "what does your last sentence mean?" When I ask him what he's talking about, he sends me a screen shot of our conversation… And at the end of a text message I sent him, a random sentence that I certainly did not type appears. It doesn't make any sense. This time is was "Red potatoes last thursday." This time is also replaced my last sentence. What the hell is going on? Has this happened to anyone else? Why is it happening?
How do I know you ment to write this?
Somebody's hacked your account or gotten another phone on your account - call Verizon and see what's up but you may need to add a password to your account if you don't have one - and if you do, change it as soon as possible.
Yeah something weird… Call your carrier.
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- Verizon iPhone 4 not sending texts? I have an iPhone 4 though Verizon. Last week it was brought to my attention that my friend had texted me twice, however i never got them. So this got me thinking maybe i also hadnt been able to send messages. I looked online to check to see if a message i had sent that didn't get a response had been sent, and it did NOT show up on my verizon account. But my phone said it sent. What's going on? Is there anything i can do?