My wife hates our adopted son?

On November 27, 2010 my son was born. Me and my wife adopted a new born baby. We adopted him on the day he was born and that is the day that everything changed. The day we brought him home she has hated him. She always says that she thinks he's going to grow up to be gay and she says that she thinks he's ugly. I think he's handsome. My wife is always screaming out "11/27/2010!" which is his birthday. I'm starting to think she is crazy. Me and her always wanted kids but she can't have kids so we adopted and now she hates him. She is always telling me that she wants nothing to do with him. She says that he's not perfect. Her and him don't talk anymore. I'm basically his only parent. I try to make sure he has a good life by buying him whatever he wants. For Christmas I bought him a cellphone, an iPhone X. And my wife went crazy. She took the box away from me. I got it back and gave it to him, but I thought he can just use it for games which is fine. What should I do? Should I divorce her? I think something might actually be wrong with her. I cry everyday because of this. My son is 7-years-old now and she still hates him for all of these years.

Added (1). I'm not trolling, I know this seems really unreal but unfortunately it is. I'm looking for real answers please. I'm at a loss here.

Worst trolling ever

She doesn't deserve to have this son. She has treated him and you poorly the entire time. Whatever her reasons are, you can't fix them. At least remove the son (if not yourself as well) from the situation. It is causing permanent lifelong damage to his psyche. He, of all people, doesn't deserve this.

That is a very sad situation for everyone involved. I think the first good step to take is to talk to your wife and let her express how she feels and why she feels that way. Just listen patiently and do not judge her for her feelings. She may not hate your son at all, she may just be overwhelmed with caring for a teenager, or she could have unresolved feelings about not having her own child and knowing that the older she gets the more the time period is closing for her to fulfill that desire. Whatever the case, you need to know what she is feeling first and then take it from there. Be sure to reassure her of your love for her and the family that you two have together and let her know that she can always talk to you about her feelings.

Having a family of any kind is not without challenges, but I have found that turning to the Bible is a big help. Many people feel that it is an outdated book, but what people don't realize is that the same problems families faced then are the exact same problems that families face now; people are still people. I hope that the links in the sources section will provide you with additional help in solving your family's problems. At any rate, I wish you all the best.

IF your post were true, it would be ridiculous to remain married to someone who hated their child and refused to be part of the child's upbringing. Your post indicates mental illness (of one of you) although the way you wrote the story really does come across as trolling. You claim to have purchased a $1000 phone for a 7 year old and say "he can just use it for games ". Dude, seriously. That's beyond ridiculous and wouldn't make up even an iota for poor parenting. There are far better devices for games, anyway.

"I'm not trolling," - If that's true, get counseling for your issue. Throwing away chunks of money on a child, isn't the way to make up for the kid having a lousy parent.

Were your previous 272 questions more important than this one?! The mind boggles!

Try to console her

Your 7 year old son doesn't need his own cell phone and an Xbox either. He needs to be in a place where one parent is hating on him all the time. Buying him stuff will NOT make up for the damage that is causing him. You need to decide on whether your child is a priority or not.
I get the idea adopting was your idea, she feels she was forced into accepting a child that isn't hers, if she hated him from the start.

Maybe your wife never came to terms with her own infertility. Maybe she has mental problems. Please urge her to see a counselor or therapist who can evaluate her. Don't put it in terms of something being wrong with her. Put it in terms of how unhappy she seems.

As for your little boy, what he needs from you is time and attention, not stuff. I feel really bad for him. What your wife is doing is a form of abuse, so it's up to you to protect him.

You have a difficult choice to make… Your wife or your son. Frankly I would choose the son, and get much needed help for your wife.

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