Need someone who knows a lot about iphone repair to email. It a 6+, I dropped it in water a few days ago and when plugged in turns blue?
Need someone who knows a lot about iphone repair to email. It a 6+, I dropped it in water a few days ago and when plugged in turns blue?
You should have kept in turned off and stored it inside a bag of dry rice. Next time, get a water-proof case.
I've repaired upwards of 1000 iPhones and the thing to do is take it to a professional. It is possible that the screen has gone bad, and/or there's corrosion on the motherboard. When your electronics get way you want to leave them powered off for at least 2 days to dry out (forgetting the best practice of taking them to a professional right away.)
What is likely happening to your phone is some of the graphic driving chips are being shorted or crossed. It is also possible that there's a short somewhere else on the phone telling the screen to just display blue. There's so many possibilities here where short of taking it apart yourself to clean all the components, you need someone who has these repair skills.
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