Need wireless charging case for my iphone5?

So my iphone dies really quickly because i play lots and lots of game & mostly i'm outdoor so i can't charge and have to remain phoneless whole day. Where can i get wireless charging case for my iphone5?

Try a mophie juice pack. It will recharge your iPhone nice and quick. Also if you have a car consider getting a car charger so that you can charge your phone in the cat because you won't be playing games while you drive. Also when you're playing games turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and other features that you don't need to play the games you're playing. Also turning down the brightness because this will help conserve battery.

Hope this helped!

I understand you completely lol I too am a gamer and iphone5 dies in few hours. I even started carrying extra phone and charger wherever I go. Candy crush kills my battery in few hours haha… One day my friend gifted me wireless charging case for my iphone5. Lucky to have such friend. Now I drger whever I don't need spare phone or charger wherever I go. I asked her where she got it & she said
You can get it in white or black and it is light weight too… It is reliable.

Iphones do not support wireless charging and no wireless chargers currently for any iphones. Major Nokia lumia phones, some samsung, HTC phones support wireless charging.

Http:// got mine here for $35 and they have all kinds of colors!