New Facebook app! August 2012. How do I delete comments?

You used to be able to just drag your finger across it and now you can't?! Oh and I'm
Talking about from my iPhone:-)

Added (1). Grrrr trust mine not to work! I tried it on a few different comments I've posted and it won't do it. I have the worst luck with this bloody thing lol

I have just tried and it works for me! Make sure to swipe from right to left quickly and keep right over the comment and not to move too far off.

I can't delete comments after I got the new app aswell. I can remove items from my timeline but I can't remove comments I have made.It's driving me nuts. You have to be able to somehow. When I drag my finger across I get that drop down menu sliding across my screen.

Same for me… Any suggestion?

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