No-Contract iPhone 4/4S vs Contract iPhone 5?

What Would You Do?
I have the option to do either.
I Really want to get myself an iPhone, I haven't had one in forever,
Been on Team Blackberry for a Long Time

I could buy an iPhone 4 for $300 + $45 for my first month or $400 or,
an iPhone 4S + $45 for my first month on Virgin Mobile USA
over the course of 2 years (because I take really good care of phones)
I could spend $1, 380 or $1, 480 resepectively

or I could sign a contract with Sprint (which is VM's service provider) to get the iPhone 5 for $150
with unlimited data on the everything data plan or sign with AT&T and monitor my data usage around the clock and spend an average of $100 per month because of the taxes and all that "fun" stuff
let's average it out at $110 per month for 2 years I would spend roughly at least $2, 790 at the end of my 2 year contract

It makes a lot of sense to go the Virgin Mobile USA Route however, I had VMUSA before and the coverage was horrible however, this was nearly 4 years ago
I checked the maps and everything, I'm covered very well were I spend the most of my time
the only "luxury" I find in having the iPhone on a contract carrier is that if Anything is wrong then I know I can go to that carrier's store or call the company or something
not saying I can't with Virgin Mobile but they take forever if you have anything wrong with your phone.

I will not buy apple care, I think it's a waste of money for the Virgin Mobile iPhone's however on the contract company I would buy it.

It's really bothering me on what to do, I want to upgrade to an iPhone and I would go the Android route but I just don't like Android's so much not saying I'm against them, but, If I had to choose
I would most certaintly go the iPhone way vs. Android anyday
but the Android's on prepaid companies are cheaper
some as low as $40
and high as $ 500

either way, I really prefer knowing exactly how much I'm going to spend per month but I'm not sure if Virgin Mobile is the best way to go, it certaintly is affordable but that upfront cost is what has me,
I just don't feel comfortable paying so much for a phone especially knowing it's only going to last for a good 2 years maybe even less
maybe a year or so.
who know's though, could last 3 or 4 years. But still
honestly, what would you do

I just feel that I would nearly rather spend the money on a tattoo(s) than a phone
but, It would be an upgrade to myself

Have you thought about Tmobile? I don't know if you get good coverage in your area but i been looking into buying the iphone in full price and getting Tmobiles $30 online a month prepaid plan that is unlimited data& text with 100 minutes. If your going to have your phone for 2 years or so it seems worth it.

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  • Should I get iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S? No contract or with contract? I don't know what exactly is so much better with the 5 compared to 4S? I'm thinking to get it with no contract because I'll be in Europe over the summer so I'll need another contract over there for a few months so that likely wouldnt work if I got a 2 year contract here in the US is the 5 much more expensive than the 4s? and does the price vary a lot if I buy with/without contract?