No sound AT All from iPhone 4?
My iPhone's sound has just gone completely silent, no sounds through speakers, through headphones and when I plug in my earphones there's no static sound or any feedback of plugging it in. I have restarted it many times (because this has happened before and all I had to do was restart it and it was fixed) but it's still not working. Any suggestions?
Go to the apple store. The sooner the better, most iphones have a 1 year warrantee unless you purchased an extended warantee.
- Why is no sound coming out my iPhone. The only sound that comes out is the ringer or when I have headphones hooked up? I have a iPhone 6s. And I recently noticed that no sound is coming out my iPhone. The only sound that works is my ringer and when I have headphones hooked up. My phone is updated to the IOS 12. I tried cleaning out my headphone jack and speakers and it's still doing it.
- Why is no sound coming out my iPhone. The only sound that works is the ringer and when I have headphones hooked up? I have a iPhone 6s. And recently no sound has been coming out my iPhone. The only sound that works is the ringer and when I have headphones hooked up. When I try to watch YouTube or Facebook videos or even try to talk on the phone I will hear no sound. My phone is updated to IOS 12.
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