Note 3 slow - mo can you trim it?

I know that you can record 720p 120 fps slow motion video on the Note3 but can you trim it like the iphone 5s where in you can choose a certain part to be in slo mo and the rest in normal… Can you do that on the note 3?

Whenever I have a question/problem such as yours, I read the user's guide
(aka "the manual").
It is amazing just how much I always learn from that.

If that doesn't help (or if I'm interested in a product I don't own), I check the manufacturer's website.
They have descriptions and specs for their gadgets, often have user forums, and the decent manufacturers all let you download the manuals in electronic form (so losing the book is no longer a problem).
Getting the PDF is also useful for those times where the printed book is rather small and useless - the PDFs often have more detailed information.

99% of the time reading the instructions does the trick.

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