One Direction picture help? - 1

I really want to know how some people get pictures of one direction holding a blank piece of paper and then write I LOVE… Where do you get the pictures and how do you write that. Is there a way to do that on an iphone? Please help
I want to know where you get the pictures because i have been looking but can't find anything i have tried google but nothing really

Download the app *phonto* to write on pictures.

What i do is i save the picture too my phone with the other writing on it
Then i use the app pic mix
I save a blank white picture too my phone
Photoshop the white picture over the words that say 'i <3 ___'
Save that to my phone
Go to the app phonto and write on the new picture!

It sounds hard but it really isn't should take 10 minutes after you figure out how to work the apps!