One eye bigger than the other?

I'm 13 and I barley noticed that when I take pictures on my iPhone using camera one of my eye is bigger/smaller than the other, but when I use retrica app it looks quite normal. My mom said when I was being born the doctor accidental jabbed my eye with a tool thingy. How do I make this less noticeable?

That's bad… Some fish are like that

Don't think about it
or go for a surgery
but i think its somehow cool
i haven't seen your face but maybe it makes u uinque?

It's normal… If you ask other people… They all have one foot, hand, eye, ear and so on… Bigger then the other. I have that to! Just try to make sure you can do your makeup as even as possible on both eyes! Hope i could help. Have a great day!

Wear eyeliner on both eyes but make it slightly thicker on the eye that looks bigger.
I don't know whether that may just make it more obvious but it's worth a try.
I bet your eyes are lovely, we always exaggerate our flaws so don't worry about it, everyone has a few flaws. My ears are really weird I think but I've grown to deal with it.
Hope this helps xx