Phone like the iphone before the iphone?

I made a bet, small bet, on something I did not know (not very smart, I'll admit that).

I bet that there was a phone similar to the iPhone before the iPhone came out. This phone needs to have two or more of the following features:

1.metal on the sidings
2.a front home button
3.a button on the top
4.a headphone jack on the top

and preferably it would be a smartphone with a touchscreen.

Thanks! Please give the name of the phone if you know of one!

The LG Prada was released one month before the first iPhone was released. LG claimed that the design of the iPhone was stolen from the design of the Prada, which was announced in December 2006.


HTC had a few "smart phones" before the iPhone… All based on the windows mobile system.

The iPhone design was unique all its own by the time it debuted. Most smartphones prior to that were following the BlackBerry design philosophy i.e. Small, non touchscreens with full physical QWERTY keyboards. The Motorola Q was an example of this. Those that had a touchscreen required a stylus to work, like the Palm Treo or Sony Ericsson P910i

Of course since then most have adopted the iPhone design i.e. Slate device with a touchscreen (no stylus) & minimal use of buttons except for necessary features like power/lock, volume, & a home button.

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