Photoshop: Can I copy and paste a zoomed in picture?

I have a basic picture with a tile arrangement, like the one found here
Photoshop: Can I copy and paste a zoomed in picture - 1
I want to copy and paste the design and use it as a background layer in a project. Except, of course, when I expand it the tiles come up blurry and pixelated. But if I zoom in on the tile arrangement, it looks just fine and it can fit in my project. Is there any way to make it the right size without sacrificing quality? I was thinking using a cloning method? Is there a way to just copy and paste the zoomed in image?

Just take a picture of zoomed in image with 'Snipping Tool' in Windows or cmd+shift+4 on Mac

Sounds like what you have is vector data. I'm not 100% clear on how you're using the word "expand" here, but it sounds like you're converting it to pixels, then resizing it, which will use interpolation and make things blurry.
If you resize first, _then_ save it, the quality will be fine.

Still, I'm not even sure you're using Photoshop.

If the image is "vectored", and does not loose quality when zooming in, use photoshop!
Zoom to maximum on your screen. Go to top left and take a screen copy that you paste as a new file in PS.
Repeat the operation as many times as you need to to get the whole picture. Then merge the partial images in PS to get a large one. It is fastidious, but you can end up with fantastic resolutions (and HUGE PS files!).
I do that regularly with Autocad and 3DS Max to do detailed land surveys: a 300m square into a 10,000pixels square image.

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