Recommend me a camera with multi kind of effects same effects I see in?

Well, i'm traveling with my kids and don't wanna use my iphone wich got lots of Apps that includes 100s of effects

Please advice me with a good digi camera with built in effects. For out doors

Thank ya

The Polaroid Z340.It's a massive improvement over the old Polaroids, most notably being digital. You can choose which pictures you want to print and how they look. They don't even have to have that white border! It also takes video!
Buy it:

And your budget is how much?

Canon PowerShot A4000IS.

Effects: Portrait, FaceSelf-Timer, Low Light, Fish-eye, Miniature, Toy Camera, Monochrome, Super Vivid, Poster, Snow, Fireworks, Long Shutter (Very useful.), and Discreet.

Sony Cybershot. Any.