Porque mi iPhone 5 Internet no sirve?
Porque mi iPhone 5 Internet no sirve?
Maybe no sirve porke no tienes Wi-Fi?
No servisio metate en Wi-Fi or call your company
1.- qυιzáѕ deвαѕ coɴғιɢυrαrlo deѕde αjυѕтeѕ/ɢeɴerαl/red coɴғιɢυrαcιóɴ de red.
ɴoтα: α veceѕ eѕ ɴeceѕαrιo coɴecтαr el ιpнoɴe α ιтυɴeѕ pαrα coмpleтαr
lα coɴғιɢυrαcιóɴ de redeѕ y coɴeхιoɴeѕ eɴ тυ ιpнoɴe α тυ ɴυevα operαdorα.
o вιeɴ reαjυѕтαrlo deѕde αjυѕтeѕ/coɴeхιoɴeѕ de red/red de dαтoѕ мovιleѕ
2.- el ιpнoɴe 5 dιѕpoɴe de coɴeхιóɴ lтe,
pero pυede qυe el ιɴcoveɴιeɴтe de тυ coɴeхιóɴ ѕe deвα α eѕтo.
sυpυeѕтαмeɴтe ιвα α тeɴer ɴғc, qυe ѕι ιвα α υтιlιzαr υɴα ɴυevα verѕιóɴ de wιғι
o qυe ιɴcorporαríα 4ɢ.
lα reαlιdαd eѕ qυe ѕe υѕα υɴα вαɴdα de ғrecυeɴcια de 1800, αнorα copαdα
por ѕervιcιoѕ Зɢ, pero ɴo pαrα loѕ ѕervιcιoѕ de 4ɢ.
〠υn cordιal ѕalυdo y qυe paѕeѕ υna jornada мυy agradaвle.
- Why does my iPhone still charge for Internet even when I'm not using Internet? So, I recently got a pay monthly plan with my new iPhone 4s. When i'm out and about I'm usually updating my twitter and Facebook account. But, when I'm put my phone down, 3G still says I'm using it and charging me. So do I have to turn it off when i'm finished? Or is there a much easier way?
- Why can't my iphone for virgin mobile iphone access the internet or transmit mms? Well in my second month with vm my internet and mms suddenly stopped working so i called vm and they told me nothing was wrong so i switched my phone for a new one and it took them three days to activate it and now i'm still having the same problem i'm wondering if anyone else are having these issues and how to solve them
- Porque no le puedo instalarle el sorfware a mi iphone 4? Hola tengo un problema con mi iphone porque le ise el jeilbreak y descargue una repo que no devia entonses el iphone se apago y ya no encendio y lo puse en modo DFU, lo conecte a itunes y descargue el sorfware pero al tratar de instalarlo me dise que hay un error seguido por unos numeros. no se que puedo hacer
- My Iphone is not letting me access the internet or internet based apps? I have an Iphone 5. Never had any issues but now it won't connect to the internet or any apps. It does the same thing it does when I have no service (just has that little circle symbol that means it's trying to get through). Orginally, I thought it must be a universal problem but everyone else has service and they are in the same location as me. Also I always use my phone here with no problems. I have tried turning it off and on again but nothing.