Problem with syncing downloaded music from itunes to iphone?

I'm new to the iPhone, my dad gave it to me. It has no service so it's really just an ipod touch, which is what i wanted. I downloaded itunes and put my music on it. Some of the music was from 2 cds, the rest was from a bunch of youtube downloads that i had on my android. All of the music went onto itunes perfectly fine, but when i synced it to the iphone, only the music from the cds synced, the downloads wouldn't sync to the phone. The only way i can think to deal with this is to just put all my music on cds then put it on itunes. Is there another way i can do this?

Just re-encode the downloaded music files to. MP3 format with an online file format conversion service.

Have you authorized the phone to work with itunes for purchased items: In itunes: Go into store: click authorize device

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