Pros & cons of jail breaking my iPhone 4? - 1

Should I jail break it? Pros & cons please

I'll make this short.
Pros-All apps free, themes, ringtones, tweaks, music, apps.

Jail breaking only makes your phone SUPER slow and annoying.yeah, there may be a few cool features like the downloading of apps for free, (but that doesn't actually work) and the android lock, thing. Cydia is SUPER annoying.
My ipod touch was So slow. I was so mad that i unjailbroke my phone and i was happy about it.
don't make that mistake. I did and suffered the consequences

To be completely honest, jailbreaking opens your iphone to do almost anything. You can tweak every single piece of info on it including system files. That said, you could run into major errors, but this only happens if you are a really stupid person who uses ifile to change system files. I personally never saw lag in my jailbroken iphone, and it really makes my iphone unique instead of the same old grid layout provided by apple. So go ahead and jailbreak it with absinthe, unless you are a brainless monkey.

It will be difficult for you to upgrade your ios.

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