Purchased iTunes song won't play on iPhone? - 1
I downloaded it and accidently pressed thhe cancel button while it was still downloading. It shows up like regular songs, but when I try to play it skips to the next song. It won't let me delete it either. Help!
Added (1). When I go to the itunes store it says downloaded like it can play but it won't!
Tey redownloading it because if you pressed cancel it will stop the process and not plau but ya download it again
Does it pay in itunes?
I have the same problem, I downloaded a song through my iphone off itunes and it won't play at all it skips directly to the next song i have deleted it through itunes and it won't let me redownload it. Its in my purchased I have searched and tried anything I have read the last few days and nothing suggestions?
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- STOP A SONG THAT I PURCHASED ON ACCIDENT FROM DOWNLOADING ITUNES? I was downloading a bunch of songs (on itunes from my iphone 4s) and accidently hit purchase on one i didn't want. I'm using a itunes gift card with credit and I have $1 left now, but the song I want is $1.29 and i purchased one on accident. The accidental one is on pause in my downloads right now, is there a way to delete it from there (i don't want it and it would be nice to get my money back on my gift card) Help