Putting my SIM into an iPhone, will it affect my data plan?

I have an orange sim card that is now out of contract so it just rolls over every month. It is a great deal so i want to keep it and just buy an iphone out right so as to not get into a contract again. I get 900 mins, unlimited texts and unlimited internet. My phone connects to the internet through orange 3gs internet and can connect via Wi-Fi if i ask it to when i'm in a hotspot. If i put this SIM into an iPhone, will any off this change? I'm a bit confused after looking at iPhone contracts and they have to pay for data and Wi-Fi. Will i still just be able to connect through orange 3gs internet as normal… And Wi-Fi if i choose to in a hotspot. N. B I will be buying a new iPhone from Orange and i know I will have to cut the SIM down Thanks

As far as I'm aware this won't be a problem

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