Rank iPhone, Android and Blackberry?

For me its

Android - Well made

Iphone - Also well made but only fanboys and people who think they are cool buy it

Blackberry - Designed for business use because of how its mailing system works but got down rated even further because poor people who dress in pajamas buy it for Black Berry Messanger


blackberry is an amazing phone
but it depends on how and why your going to use it
as a business phone its very good
its got better security and ios and android
to use bbm it would also be a good phone
after all all business man and gov and law enforcments use a blackberry

android cause its laggy
and you won't always get the newest os update
only 17% of the phones now run on ics android 4.0
and thats after more than a year of it in the market
android would be better than the iphone if you would be buying a high end android phone
if not than no

hope i helped.

Anroid-free open source system with execelent third party devolpers that help you make it better(xda for exampl)

iphone-has more apps then blackberry but is filled with stupid fan boys

blackberry-liltle apps that cost more then on ios and android