Razer edge worth it when I have this computer? Should I get it or not?

So, I really dig into the razer edge. The problem is that I heard that it runs skyrim on medium at 30-40 fps, and that is exactly what my 2 year old laptop can do. Here is my laptop: http://www.notebookcheck.net/...712.0.html

Also, another question: Should I get the edge or an iphone 5? I have the possibility to choose between the 2. I already have a great phone, and this is just like something I do for my personal pleasure and entertainment.

I have to mention that I'm a hardcore gamer despite the fact that my pc is not THAT great.

Here's what I would think I've been looking at a surface pro but the edge is the same thing with different design but better graphics, ram, processor. Plus has a docking station. The only thing about it is the keyboard doesn't come out till q3 and is $249 but doubles the battery to I wanna say 8-12 hours (not sure) the biggest problem for most people is $$$ so if it isn't a problem get it, not many people think its good but I think it's great ima wait a week for reviews then ill probably end up buying it.

I would go for Razer Edge, iphone 5 just doesn't worth it. But still, battery power is not that good, but with additional power (about 50$) it'll be alright, to my mind. And i think it's great to have a PC tablet: P