Read 50 shades darker pdf file on my iphone?

I read the first one on this pdf file on my iphone which was very convenient
i found a few pdfs of the next book but they don't enlarge on my iphone
any links or anything?

So you were able to steal it once to use on your iphone? How marvie that you could steal from the author. What else do you steal?

This seems to be a tough one for people with e-readers, iphones, gizmos, and gadgets to accept, but author's write, not just to tell a darn good story, but also to get paid for it. When a book is new, it costs money to buy it. That's to pay back your favorite author (and your favorite author's publisher) for making a darn good book. The idea is really simple and time honored in America - if you like something, you buy it. If you like something, it's new, and you simply take it, that's called "stealing." No really - full-fledged stealing to the point where, if you're caught doing it, you are arrested for stealing. (The fence also gets arrested for fencing it, even if the fence thinks they have some darn good excuse for letting people get stuff from them for free, when they didn't even pay for it either.) This is what capitalism is all about.

Now, it's true, you don't have to live in a capitalistic country, if you don't want to, but let's face it, even in communist countries; you're expected to buy brand new things. The only difference is they don't give you as big a choice of what to buy - for instance, an iPhone isn't a legal possession in some of those countries.

Now, if you want to read stuff for free on your gadget, you can do that too. You're just stuck reading old books or self-published books given away probably because they aren't worth buying.

Thems the breaks.

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