Reasonable Price for iphone 4s?

At&t, 16 gb, white. Used for a month, the entire time I have had it, it has been in an otterbox defender series case, So no cosmetic wear/scratches. What do you think I could sell it for? I was thinking $250?

Added (1). Dang, people pay a lot more than that on ebay, i was looking at prices on Craigslist, but I'm going to stick it on Ebay.

Well dang, you could sell it for alot more than 250 dollars if it looks brand new, put it on eBay for around 200 dollars and watch the price rise.

Think about it this way…

why the heck would I buy your USED LOCKED ATT Iphone 4s 16GB for $250 when I can get a NEW LOCK Iphone 4s 16GB for $99… I will get a contract, but I save $150 this way…

remember, you are in competition when selling used phones…

rule of thumb… The more you hack it, jailbreak it, unlock it, and add accessories, then more $$$$$$$$$$$$ you get… See for Ideas