Renting movie fom iTunes won't work?
I'm using my iPhone to try and rent a movie from iTunes, using my dad's credit card.
Everytime I press "Rent movie" the green box goes bak to gray an says "Rent $4.99"
I've done this twice and it hasn't started downloading OR asked if I want the purchase on the credit card. I'm worried because I don't want to end up renting the movie more than once, or something.
This is my first time renting a movie and probably my last.
Any tips on how to get the movie to download?
I'm from Canada, if that means anything, at all.
Try turning off your phone and turning it back on. Make sure the internet connection is secure and you have enough room on your ipod to download it. I would suggest just saying screw it - Check out Pirate bay and UTorrent. Make sure you disable DHT network and DHT Network for new torrents in options. Set upload to 12KBPS. I've never done it but a little birdy told me about it. Peace.
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