Samsung Galaxy SIII or iPhone 5?
I know many people have asked this already but I have done research and I'm still indecisive. I thought it would be easier if I was given recommendations based off of my interests.
I know Android well, and I like it a lot, and I think it's fun changing roms, kernels, and doing other things when rooted, and I have never had an iPhone and have barely used one, and I know nothing about iOS. I like how Android is free and has customization, and scans for media all over the device, and I dislike how iPhone must use iTunes, but that's not really a big deal to me.
From research I have found the S3 has a better processor, and 1 more GB of ram, but is that really necessary? Mainly the iPhone's looks is what is making me want the iPhone more. I like how the iPhone is smaller and has a much better looking screen. But I have never used an iPhone and I have read that iOS has a lot more restrictions than Android. Is it that much worse? Does jailbreaking an iPhone give me as customization as a rooted Android phone? Besides flashing custom firmware obviously. I also don't mind that the iPhone doesn't have expandable storage.
If I get an iPhone when never using iOS before will I be disappointed?
Added (1). I also like the back and menu buttons on Android. Is it easy to adjust to not having those?
Touch phones are power(from outlet) and energy(from people) eaters. Don't get it, use good old phones with button.
Galaxy S3
or Galaxy Note 2
i like Note 2 batter because i prefer a bigger screen.
I think Iphones are too small for me.
IPhone 5
Get the Galaxy SIII you'll be happier with that phone than the iPhone the only reason people get those is for the image of owning one my sis has one and she looks stupid with it they are two years behind on features but Apple just makes old things look good by plopping an i infront of everything I have an iPod Touch and that's on eBay can't wait to get my nexus 10!
S3 without question although there's lots of Apple fanboys who think the iPhone is better but it's in no way better, except for maybe that it's easier to use.
- What is a good phone, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S2, or Samsung Galaxy S3? I need a new phone and I'm wondering which I should get. My friend is selling his GS2 for around 50 Bucks and I could possibly get an iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3. Can you tell me the prices with and without the plan. And for people that have these phones could you tell me how good it is and which carrier(Sprint, Verizon, At&T)?
- Samsung Galaxy SIII or the iPhone 5? I'm not sure which one to get. I did check out the Galaxy s3 but thought it was slightly too big. But I haven't seen the iPhone 5. I do have the 4s myself.
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