Saving audio files from my email?

How do i save an audio file from the my email as a song or as a ringtone all done on my iphone

This can't be done on your iphone unless you use an app like iDownloader. This will download the music to the iDownload folder but will not appear in your iTunes library. You would then need to connect your iPhone to your PC or laptop and transfer the file across. If you are going to do that then you may as well download it on your pc or laptop in the first instance if possible.

Secondly, (or firstly if you have downloaded music to your pc or laptop without iDownloader) you can use a Ringtone Creater App. To make the ringtone with ringtone maker you need to put the music on your iPhone first. Go on to your iPhone, open the ringtone App, select the song you want to make a ringtone. Free apps usually allow 20 seconds of music and other paid for apps give you more time. Twenty seconds is okay for a ring tone. The app will save the music as a ringtone file. Don't worry the original track will stay on your phone.

Then go back onto your PC or laptop… Connect the iPhone, open iTunes, open the Ringtones App and drag the ringtone file to ringtones. If it has saved it to your songs list then it will be saved as a ringtone file and you just need to drag and drop to ringtones. You will recognize it as it as a different icon near the file (think it is a little bell shape).

iDownloader lite is free and there's a paid version to but if you have access to pc/laptop then you will not need to use this and can use the ringtone app only.

It is not allowed to set an audio file as ringtone in iPhone. Need to choose a 40-second part for the song in iTunes, then rename, then import and set.

1) Add the song you like to make it as ringtone to iTunes. Then find the song in iTunes (on PC or Mac) and right click on it and choose "Get info" from the drop down menu. Go to "Options" and set start and stop time of the future ringtone - exactly the part that will be playing when you have phone calls, and it is no longer than 40 seconds. So remember choose your most favorite part from the song.

2) Click OK after you finished. Right click on the song again and choose "Create ACC version".

3) Then 40-second-song will appear in iTunes. Now you need to rename the extension from m4a to m4r. Right click on the short song and choose "Show Windows Explorer" or "Show in Finder" if you are using a Mac.

4) Rename the file in the folder. In case you don't see the file extension, go to "Tools"-"Folder options"-"View Tab" and uncheck "Hide extension for known file types". Now you can easily rename the song. Delete the short version from iTunes (but keep the file on PC/MAC) and add the renamed one to iTunes Tone library.

5) Transfer the file to your iPhone and set as a ringtone.

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