In my school there's a NO PASSWORD Wi-Fi but you can't connect. Some can, because he change something in settings in phone in Wi-Fi settings?

Please tell me how! I need it very much, if somebody help me, i give him steam key. I need to know ho to do that on iPhone. He just add some port or something like that.


Ask the school's IT staff. They should be the ones to help you.

The school wants to control who is allowed to connect. It is the school's property and if they wanted anyone to connect they would have setup the system to allow that to happen. There are several ways to accomplish the lock out. The school's IT folks are the only ones that will know what is needed to activate a connection. In some cases it will be a "network login" in some it will be another control method.

Probably port 8080.a firewall might prevent 8080 from working.

It is RADIUS, my alma mater, UT Scarborough implemented it that way more than a decade ago, it is not a new thing, just an enterprise thing not some mere consumer technology.

Must have not configured properly or deliberately not configured so you need to go to the faculty responsible for maintaining IT.