Screen time makes me feel sick?

Whenever I spend a while in front of a screen, it feels like my stomach hurts. Like I'm sick to my stomach. Also, after I spend time on the screens, my eyes are blurry and I have dull color vision. I also feel like it messes with my brain, and this is the hardest thing to deal with, since it feels like I'm in sort of a zombie state with severe "brain fog". The screen I'm using is either an iPhone or iPad screen. Do other people have this? What can I do to fix it? Does it matter what type of screen I use? (I even keep the blue light filter on most of the time so that it's easier on my eyes, but it doesn't seem to help much.) What is going on? (Especially with the brain fog?)

You need glasses.

Are you spending too much time looking at a screen. I suggest you go have an eye test to make sure your eyes are okay, then spend no more than 30 minutes at a time on any device. Take a break for 10 minutes before resuming.