Selling iphone 4 from verizon?
If i sell my iphone 4 to a friend who has at&t, will they be able to use it since verizon doesn't use SIM cards?
Sprint and Verizon Iphones are CDMA… Though they do have Global ready GSM radios for international use, Verizon and Sprint have blocked all access to ATT and Tmobile GSM services in their CDMA Iphones… There's no known hack since they put it in the main code…
- Why do people who are selling iPhone 4s sell them less if they are Sprint or Verizon? I'm looking for a White iPhone 4 or 4s on AT&T. I was on and people that are selling the iPhone 4's for AT&T cost from $300-$500. But for Sprint and Verizon iPhone 4 they are in the range of $180-$250. Why is there a reason for this. And I also see the same thing on also.
- Which is better: selling on amazon or selling on ebay? I have an individual seller account and I've noticed that my products sell much faster or ebay. However, I sold two iphones. My final sale fee $1100. However, ebay charged me a final sale fee of $135 Then I was charged $40 by paypal Then I paid $60 total to ship both items. On my amazon account I sold 1 phone. The phone cost $180 Amazon took out $30 Shipping cost $10 So I made $140
- When will Verizon stop selling the iPhone 5c? My upgrade is in November and I don't want the 6: P? When will Verizon stop selling the iPhone 5c? My upgrade is in November and I don't want the 6:P?
- What is the top 10 best selling iphone apps of all time? And (If you could answer), What do these all have in common. Such as. Characteristics and reasons why so much people have bought them.