Should a seventh grader get an iphone 5?

Ok. So i begged my parents for an iphone and they finally got me the iphone 5. I realized i was addicted to it and i want to go back to my old phone and i hate it when people are like "what's wrong with this generation.ugh third graders with iphones every where" and i hate that label and i always want my old phone now a days so what do you think i should do?

Keep it.
there was less techology when i was a kid, all we has was a vcr and a tv.
u kids get a hand held computer

No. Its disguisting that a seventh grader get an iphone 5.

Number one, your focus on what other people think is ridiculous. Those people are not going to give you a second thought within moments of making a comment, but you are letting them live rent free in your head. That being said, if you aren't going to use your iPhone 5, have your parents sell it on gazelle and spend the money on helping people who aren't as selfish and entitled as you.

You may also want to consider finding another way to state your first world problems. This makes you sound like a total tool.