Should Apple be sued over slowed down iPhones? Didn't it lose the trust of Apple fans?
Should Apple be sued over slowed down iPhones? Didn't it lose the trust of Apple fans? - 1
They're already being sued, but the lawsuits were thrown together. One of them refers to the iPhone 7s, which doesn't exist.
Apple did the right thing. They did what every electronic does: manage power to make the device run better. They did nothing wrong and only the braying media is turning this into a scandal, hoping the gullible masses will eat it up.
Yes, they should give somethings back to the US citizens.
Your 'Best Answer' is WRONG about everything except that they have already been sued.
Slowing down iPhones is the OPPOSITE of making them run better and the link below is proof that the iPhone 7 not only exists, but is still available for sale.
@ Rhonda, I
In future, do get your facts right would you eh?
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