Should i be embarrassed because i don't have an iphone?

I have like a phone that looks like a blackberry. Its from metro pcs.almost all my friends have iphones but we can't afford one and i understand that. My phone works fine i can text call and i have internet but should i be embarrassed for not having an iphone?

NO NOT AT ALL! I don't have an iPhone either. I'm jealous of all of my friends, but I get over it. I don't even have a cell phone so. No you shouldn't be.

Nah I have one and it *** sucks as a matter of fact I shattered the back of it today

No. Don't be embarrassed. Just because you don't have an iPhone, doesn't mean you aren't "cool." Now, you will feel left out sometimes, but it isn't about the phone, it's about the quality time you spend with your friends.

Not one bit, i've had a cherry red flip phone that was 30 bucks for 4 years and i'm proud

NO! You have a phone that is fully functional and most people who get Apple stuff don't use it for talk or text! They use it to take pics of themselves update statuses and play games… I myself am not an Apple person, IPhones r So overrated they work slow I mean no disrespect to Steve Jobs but I just think Apple is for show and its a trend that nobody has to follow. Don't be ashamed a lot of people don't have one

It is not how much we have that makes for happiness -- it's how much we enjoy. How could you possibly enjoy the company of one so shallow that they put you down because you do not have an iphone? Such people as that aren't worth associating with anyway so they are actually doing you a favor by exposing their shallowness to begin with. There's nothing worth being embarrassed about here. Save your concern for those who like you for who you are -- not for what you have.