Should I buy a ps vita or iPhone 4S?

I love to play games but I'm an iPhone freak
I love Sony and apple I'm confused please help me.
I want to buy ps vita so I can play call of duty that will be available soon. I love ps vita duel analog amazing games touch screen, Netflix, Facebook, twitter, YouTube
But iphone already has facebook twitter etc. I love to play with iPhone as well and it's a phone I call, text and take amazing pictures
And don't forget the beautiful display

A PS via is way cooler than a iPhone

Buy an iPhone! You can falso play game in it. Then buy a PS3.

PS Vita, without question.iPhones are awesome phones until something goes wrong, and then they're a nightmare.

Ok the iphone will let you keep in touch with friends and family and up to date with your social life but the ps vita is MORE for the gaming side as which it does have some features to keep you social bottom line what every floats your boat

Ps vita. And when sony all stars comes out you get to play online vs people on consoles, how awesome is that

IPhone. Cause you can use it as a phone, and it's games aren't that bad. Vita games are great, but that's about it.