Should I buy IPad 2 or iPhone 5?
I have an iPhone 4. Not 4s. Just 4. I also have a Kindle Fire that I'm getting rid of because I just don't like it. My dilemma is trying to figure out if I want an iPad or the new iPhone? Nothing is wrong with my iPhone. It's perfect condition. I just don't know which to buy. Any opinions of what I should do?
Ipad 2
If nothing is wrong with your iPhone get the iPad
You should either get the ipad 2 or the ipad mini… The iphone 5 isn't really that cool…
If You are happy with your iPhone 4, It's Better for you to buy the iPad
IPad. The IPhone 5 is very nice with the noise that blocks out in phone calls and how it's bigger and better but most of the updates are very unnecessary.
If your iPhone is working, then it's better getting an iPad. I'm getting one for Christmas: D xo
I don't know I would suggest iPhone 5 because if you get iPad 2 it be hard to take it out and it does not fit your pocket or small bag and you have to hold it especially on raining day
Get the ipad 2 the best out of the series and keep the iphone 4 had great reviews in the past
You should get Ipad 2…
I'll say the iPad 2.It has a larger screen and can do much more as compared to iPhone. Web surfing, reading, gaming, videos, etc., all are much more fun on the larger screen tablet.
There's a good actual user review, from a user who owns the iPhone 4 as well, guess it'll help you decide:
Hope that helps.
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