Should I buy iPhone 6 now or wait for the next iPhone coming out?

Should I buy iPhone 6 now or wait for the next iPhone coming out? - 1

My parents just bought 6's today lol. Anyways its really up to you. Do you need a good phone like currently or can you wait? The new iphone comes out in september and it will probably be very limited and arduous to get. It should have a bit of improvement over 6 i heard faster processor better camera etc. Plus apps will be optimized. Its really up to you tho and your situation

Are you willing to wait 3 months? How about 5 months? With that logic you could wait forever.

If having the newest phone is all that important to you, is there any reason you can't wait until it comes out? Do you even need a new phone? If not then why would any phone be a phone you "should" buy? Since the iphone 5, Apple has announced their new phones in the first half of September. The 4s was in early October of 2011 while the 4 was in June. If you want the newest is there any reason you can't wait that long?