Should I buy the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus?

I'm buying it for my birthday but I'm not sure. Don't try to convince me not to get either because my mind is made Kay? I know the size is very different but I'll be able to use both sizes so that doesn't really matter. I can completely afford both of them by the way. So what should I get? I'm a girl if that helps so phones are kind of important XD

First world problems.

I would do the 5s. If you want the 6, I'd not get the plus. Do you want a phone, or a tablet?

I think that you should get the iphone 6 plus

Go with 6… There's not so much different between those only larger screens in 6 plus

====> >tips =====>> >

Iphone 6

I have had the same issue as well. I liked the plus because of the size, but the 6 because it was easier to talk on the phone with. It really comes down to what you will be using it for. The plus will be great for games and videos. But the 6 is more logical for calling, texting, just carrying around. Either phone you choose will be great! Same apps, same software, same graphics, just one will be bigger. Although the plus is bigger, it can also be used for texting, calling, and anything else. The 6 is also a little easier to buy cases for, but the plus has just got the LifeProof Case, so, your choice! Thank you for reading and I hope this helps your decision making

The 6 plus if you want to read your Kindle books on it.

Make up your own mind, it's not that complicated.