Should I buy the Iphone X or the Note 8? - 1

I would consider myself a lifelong android user but my last purchase of the s6 edge has left a very sour taste in my mouth. The last time I was happy with an android device was with my Note 2 and I honestly believe it was the greatest phone I've ever had. Now to my Iphone experience(s)… I have had two Iphones in my short life and four androids. After my Note 2 I switched to an Iphone 5c and at first it was a bitter relationship. I greatly missed my android and felt as though the Iphone was simply too bland. I kept it for under 1 year and then I "upgraded" to a 5s. Now I loved my 5s but I think only because I had just settled in to the satisfactory simplicity of an apple device in general. I don't really have many apple complaints and I think it is genuinely a decent and well thought out device. Now I still think it lacks in features and an overall personality vs. An android that is loaded with personalisation features and etc. My issue right now is that my s6 edge really has me on "edge" so to say as I loathe the thing. It's slow and buggy and has a horrendous battery life and is just plain stressful. Within 5 months of having it the performence went from superb to subpar. At this point I feel as though all of the youtube comments in the videos titled "Iphone X vs Note8" will just lead me astray with all of the "Note 8 is superior" or "the Note 8 is the best device out" comments. So for this life or death question: Which phone will I be praising 365 days from now?

They are both the best so if your into android go with the not 8 if your into iPhone get the x

I'd personally go for the X, but I suggest checking out reviews of both (usually are comparison videos out there of the 2) & if possible check out both in person as well & make a decision after that.

Just saying that Android phones do tend to lag over time, as you probably know by now through your Galaxy S6 Edge experience.

Probably iPhone is a bit better, but you should decide what you want - android or iOS

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