Should I buy wide lens for my iPhone 7 Plus?

I really love exploring abandoned places such as factories and hospitals. I also love to record them all on my phone. I was wondering if I should buy a big wide lens for my 7 Plus to see more when I rewatch. Also, would the quality be bad?

The smart thing to do is to buy one and try it out, as only YOU will know if you like the results or not. Buy it locally, from a store that has a good return policy, take it out see if it does the job YOU would like it to do, and return it if it doesn't.

Take it somewhere you have gone before and that way you can compare the pictures you took without the wide angle lens to the ones you can take with the wide angle lens, or test the shots side by side, same light, same subjects. Five shouts with the lens, five shots without. After all, ONLY YOU, know what you are looking for in pictures that you take, with your particular style. I know that is how I'm with my photography.

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