Should i cut my daughters hair?

My daughter Elena will do anything that i don't but her knee past length hair, She is always styling it, and she is always late for p.e class dew to her putting it up in a pony tail, she does have a little split ends. I hate it because her hair always attracts boys, boys are always flirting with her. I mean she is in 7th grade, She doesn't need hair that long, she should focus on school and not stylish clothing's and hair styles. How short should i cut it? I already let her have a iphone 5, a Samsung Galaxy s3, a ipad, ipod, ipad mini

Omg. Why is it a problem that she has long hair but its not a problem that you give her all that stuff. And why is it a problem that guys flirt with her that only means that you have a beautiful and nice daughter… You could compromise if she really likes her long hair you should try to convince her to cut it at maybe waist lenght but if she doesn't want to then you can't do anything about it! Don't be that kind of parent that forces her child to do something that they don't wanna do! That will only break your releashionship because if you don't respect her choices neither will she. So just try sit and talk with her about her hair and tell her that thats not very healthy for her hair and all. Maybe she could change her mind

Knee length hair is just too long to handle, show your daughter some cute teenage long hairstyles that go to about waste length. Google images has them! Also tell her that when they cut her hair, they will take it and donate it too girls her age with cancer so they can have some hair too.

No, I think you should leave her to wear her hair at the length she wants.

There are many issues with girls who are growing up but your daughter's desire to keep her hair exceptionally long can't be considered as immoral. Your daughter may feel that her hair is part of her outward expression & part of her personality. Very long hair can be a way in which a girl / woman demonstrates their femininity & there's nothing unwholesome in that.

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