Should I dye my hair back to its natural color?

My dad hates my hair. He doesn't like it blue. He said if I dye it back to its natural color then he will get me an iphone lol. How good are iphones? My hair is pretty crucial to my self esteem so i don't know. I don't want to look normal.

It depends how old you are. If blue hair is really important to you, then stick with it. As long as you're not hurting anybody and it makes you happy, I don't see a problem.

I personally would dye it back to its original color. I think that it would be worth getting an iPhone. Then again, I'm not you, and everyone has their own opinion. I'm also not really into eccentric hair-dyeing, and I've always found blue a little odd. IPhones are pretty awesome, though, and I think it would be worth it to change your hair back for a free iPhone. If you're worried about self-esteem and all that, you might consider googling cool ways to style it. I love seeing awesome braids or other unique 'dos in people's hair, and that way, you get the best of both worlds!

I would rather keep my blue hair knowing I stood firm to express individuality and personal freedom, rather than follow the will of others for the sake of material goods.
Your dad shouldn't be bribing you like that, cos that is not how reality works. He is entitled to his opinion, but should not be on the lines of 'I will give you this if you do that'. That is not the way to teach. In life we often have to do things and choose to do things for nothing in return.
Anything of material value should never dominate who we're. Most technology sucks you are best owning your dignity instead

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