Should I get a dog or iPhone?

Should I get a puppy, or get the new iPhone when and if it comes out? Also, why?

Get the phone. If you really think these decisions have equal weight, there's no way you should be responsible for an animal.

IPhone. Only because you even asked this question. An iPhone takes a lot less work and responsibility than a dog. It sounds like you need to grow up a little before your ready for a dog.

If you are really asking this question, get the phone. You obviously have no idea to how to look after a dog no less a puppy!

A dog would be a better choice, but for you get a phone.

As your wish

Your choice, however, I would get the dog, you don't know what you're missing out.

I have the dog --- I have the phone.

I would gladly give up the phone first if the choice were forced upon me.

I have both. But, to you, get the iPhone. It sounds like you aren't that ready to get a dog. IPhone has less responsibility than a dog. Hope you enjoy it! The iPhone is great.

Hope this helped!

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