Should I get a iPhone 6s Plus or iPhone 7.Please tell me what you think and why?

Should I get a iPhone 6s Plus or iPhone 7. Please tell me what you think and why?

Get an iPhone X because it is the best and it's very good! I really like Animoji and the 3D facial recognition! 11/10 best phone!

Always get the latest model you can afford

Iphone 7. So many more benefits such as longer battery life. Much better camera. Quicker speed of the device in general. Also 6 plus value is decreasing much more rapidly than the iphone 7. May be best to go into a phone store, they let you try the phone. See which one you fancy. 6s plus is not a bad phone. Its good.

I have 6S+ and like it alot, but I would probably get later version if choosing and all things are equal other then that.

I would go with the 6 just to save money. I bought mine from a discount store called Best deal in town check them

7. Why get a phone that is three generations behind the current ones

I'd get the 7.

The Plus models are too big in my opinion, plus in this case the 7 would have more longevity