Should I get an 8 GB iPhone 4S?

It has come down to this:

- I'm done with Android.
- I already have an 8 GB iPod Touch for music, so wouldn't need a 16 or 32 GB phone.
- I know iPhone 5 just came out, but there are supposed minimal differences. In fact, I like the physical aspect of iPhone 4 better. Shorter, yet stronger.
- I'm always on Wi-Fi (most of the time) because I'm a college student. Don't need 4G, really.
- It is free for Verizon, and my old contract just finished.

Anything I'm missing?

Added (1). CORRECTION: iPhone 4. The 4S only comes in 16 GB for $100. I want the 8 GB free one.

I love my iPhone 4Gs

Yeah, there really good phones. IPhone 5 is way to much money

I would honestly say no, mainly because as a experienced iPhone user, the iPhone will break or have malfunctions by the 1st year. But in the other hand is not a bad deal, since your getting the iPhone for free, in that case then yes! Get the phone. Just be aware that the phone will malfunction in the 1st year of using it.