Should i get droid razzerrm hd or iphone 5?

Should i get droid razzerrm hd or iphone 5?

The Razr HD is beefier than the iPhone 5. You can check out the comparision here

The iPhone 5 is only popular because of media hype and because of it's cult status. There are better phones than it out there. I'll admit that it's easy to use and all that but everyone knows (although they won't admit it) that the iPhone 5 is a bit of a disappointment after the blaze and glory of the iPhone 4S. People were expecting something far superior. But that didn't happen.

Motorola has gotten their act together recently as evident with their latest RAZR line of products. The RAZRRm HD is up there with the smartphone heavyweights. Its specs seem to tick all the right boxes. IMHO, I'd say it's better in many ways than the iPhone 5. I don't see why it would not impress you. Try it and see. It may be worth the effort.

I have an HTC One X+