Should I get iPhone 5 or HTC DNA?
I just got a MacBook Pro and have had an iPad 2. I currently have a htc rezound and I'm upgrading in April 2013. Should I get the htc dna or iPhone 5? I love that on androids I can download my own music for free and all but what can I do with an iPhone 5 and my MacBook that I can't do with a htc dna? I have been looking and reading reviews on both phones and also watched videos on comparing the two phones. Has anyone out there had the dna and switched to iPhone 5 or the other way around? I need help on making a good choice for a phone that will last me for at least 2 yrs. I've had the iPhone 3GS with AT&T years ago and got sick of it and got an android phone when I switched to Verizon 2 years ago. Any help would be great!
IPhone 5
I've had both and besides incremental upgrades to the camera, it being a little longer and 4g capabilities nothing much has changed with the iPhone. But, I love my DNA, first HTC phone since the Thunderbolt I've owned and honestly there's almost nothing I do not like about this phone besides only having 12gb of usable internal storage, the phone feel luxurious and does not feel like a 5" phone at all. Its super fast, screen is by far the best screen I've ever seen, it takes really good pics and the battery life is pretty stellar. Of course I don't have to tell you about all of the other benefits of owning an Android over iOS, since you already have one. But with the DNA you will not be disappointed. Hope this helps.
( works worldwide)
Don't go for htc when you can get iPhone, just something to think on.
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