Should i get iphone 5 or wait for iphone 5s? - 1

I started my work and earned lot of money and i'm saving up to buy an iphone, i need one so bad!

i read google saying iphone 5s was leaked something and possibly won't be that good, so what do you guys think? Should i get iphone 5 now since iphone 5s won't be much different?

or if i get iphone 5, can i switch to iphone 5s later when it release?

please tell me what you think!

Iphone 5

Don't buy anything until you have a good comparison between the two. It isn't even out yet.

Better to be safe than sorry.

I'd wait. If you got it now you would feel dumb in about 2 months when the new one comes out. Who knows they may do something really cool and you will be sad u upgraded now. Plus when the new one is released the 5 will prob drop its price to $100 and you could see if you really want the new one or want to save $100 and buy the 5.