Should I get iphone5 or clothes?

I have the choice of getting a new iphone 5 or repairing the screen of my 4s and getting some clothes

Get the 4s fixed! The 5 id the same it has the same soft ware and everything. The only thing different on the 5 is its thinner and the screen is a lil bigger that's all

Repair the screen & get some clothes.

Fix your phone and go spring shopping for sure!

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If your current phone is repairable, then get it repaired. There's no point in getting something new if what one currently has still has use. This is why I have a three-year-old phone without text messaging. (It's got a camera, but the memory on that is full and I have a nice small digital camera that works well. The digital camera, while "only" 3.1 megapixels, I found in a trash pile. It's both sad and amazing what university students will throw out because they don't' want to move it.)

On that note, $500 worth of clothes is extravagant. Again, I'm cheap. If I buy new clothes, its from the clearance racks. Otherwise, I generally go to Goodwill, rummage sales and I've even found nice stuff in the aforementioned trash piles. In my 35 years I've paid more than $20 for clothing twice-- Once when i bought my black boots five years ago and three years ago when I bought my winter coat. The boots were full price, at $22, but I knew I would wear them for a long time. The coat, at $45, was half off, and I also knew I would wear it for years. I get clothing (and other things) as cheap as possible and keep it for as long as possible. (I'm currently wearing an old sweatshirt, for example, that I got in high school 20 years ago. Under it, I'm wearing a basic white Tshirt that I found on the boys clearance rack at WalMart for $1.It's a boys large, but I'm small and it works.)

However, if you think that your current phone isn't good enough (boy, I hope my children don't turn out that way), then get a cheaper smartphone and use the price difference for clothing.

Unless inflation runs rampant, I can't imagine giving my teenager $500 for clothing or a phone. They'll be lucky to get a basic phone (if they still exist) simply because pay phones are almost extinct and with the way things are going today, it seems to be safer as well.

Fix your 4s and get clothes… The iphone 5 is pretty much the same as 4s it is just bigger